Associate Professor (PI)
Publications: Scholar Google , dblp, PubMed
Fereydoun Hormozdiari’s CV
Postdoctoral fellow (postdoc)
Ph.D. Student - Integrated genetics and genomics
MSc. student, Integrated genetics and genomics
(Name, position in UC-Davis - current position)
Thong Minh Le, Ph.D. Computer Science - Facebook
Carlos Rojas, Postdoc - Ass. Prof at San José State Univ.
Linh Huynh, Postdoc - Postdoc at University of Toronto
Jason Driver, MSc. Computer Science - Comcast
Songyu Liu, MSc. Computer Science
Joel Rodriguez-Medina
Kirk Amundsen
Yihui Zhu
Robert Stolz
Ali Aliyari
Daniela Soto